*In 2010 I was sent to a boarding school in France a period of three months with the purpose of learning some french (who knows if it really worked... ). The thing is, the place where I spent that time had incredibly beautiful gardens where I loved to wander when I had nothing to do, I often went for walks only accompanied by my camera among all those flowers.*
Árboles a contraluz, contrastando con la luz del anochecer
*Backlighting trees during sunset*
Más árboles a contraluz, un día diferente, en un cielo realmente multicolor y curioso
*More backlighting trees, on a different day, with a colorful and curious sky*
Carbonero frente a la ventana (se coló en la clase)
*Little bird at the window (it entered our class during a lesson)*
El sol, abriéndose paso entre los árboles, antes de ponerse
*The sun, breaking through the trees, just before setting*
Rosas cubiertas de escarcha
*Frosted roses*
Bayas nevadas
*Snow on top of berries*
Enamorados besándose mientras nieva
*Kissing while it snows*
Árboles con las ramas nevadas en un paisaje cubierto de blanco
*Snow covered trees in a white surrounding*
Otro anochecer adornado por árboles
*Another sunset decorated with trees*
Simpática ardillita divisada por casualidad
*Squirrel seen by chance*
Más rosas cubiertas por la escarcha, en este caso son más bien capullos
*Not grown yet frosten roses*
Dos últimas puestas de sol
*Two last sunsets*
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