*What the Spanish government is doing is awful and terrible. As a consequence of that behaviour, popular movements have taken place. I reckon I´m a bit young to talk and know about politics, but I enjoy joining demonstrations from time to time and get informed of what´s going on in my country. Not only does this help me to live what the country is going through from the streets, but also gives me the chance of practising with my camera which OBVIOUSLY I take with me to every one of the demonstrations I go to. I hope you like this pics I took yesterday in a protest joined by thousands of people who came from many different Spanish cities and who I hope are listened to by the government.*
Multitud de banderas republicanas, anarquistas, comunistas y de la izquierda en general tuvieron presencia en la manifestación.
*Loads of republican flags, anarquists, communists and people from the left in general were present in the demonstration.*
Ciudadano muestra un folleto en el que se lee "no debemos, no pagamos", mientras sostiene una de tantas banderas republicanas y una pancarta mostrando caídos, supongo que de la guerra civil.
*Citizen shows a paper which says "we don´t owe, we don´t pay", while he holds one of the many republican flags and a banner with portraits of fallen soldiers, probably in the civil war*
Mi foto favorita, lo dice todo ella sola.
*My favourite picture, it says everything by herself*
Partido PPeligroso, es como si dijese, aléjense, terreno resbaladizo.
*Dangerous party (PP refers to the name of one of the main Spanish parties)*
La puerta del Sol, donde comenzó todo, una vez más inundada por las protestas.
*Sol, where it all begun, once again visited by the protesters*
Unidos contra los recortes, las políticas de austeridad y las medidas tomadas que afectan negativamente a la ciudadanía, haciendo retroceder nuestros derechos hasta casi los años 60.
*Together against the austerity policy and the measures taken by the government and which have a negative effect in the population, making people´s rights go back to almost 1960*
Alto y claro.
*Stop austerity. Clear.*
Tijeretazo, tejeretazo. Juego de palabras con el intento de golpe fallido de Tejero.
*Couple walking from Sol to Neptuno in orther to continue the protest*
Los dos símbolos más vistos; banderas republicanas y protestas contra las medidas del gobierno.
*Two symbols of the demonstration; republican flags and banners against the government policys*
Los bomberos formaron una línea de protección de manifestantes entre estos y los antidisturbios. Una muestra de apoyo útil y que pudo evitar conflictos en una manifestación de ese calibre.
*Firemen organised themselves to protect protesters from policemen in order to prevent disturbs from happening*
Más de lo mismo: pancartas pidiendo dimisiones y banderas republicanas de fondo. Eso sí, con una sonrisa.
*Again and again: banners asking for resigns from politicians and republican flags in the background. This time with a smile.*
De todas las edades, la izquierda española sale a la calle. La no tan izquierda también en este caso.
*People of all ages, the left is out in the streets. In this case I also saw people of the right*
Todos culpan al mismo: PP
*Everyone blames the government, now held by PP*
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